Shortcut to your leads

Landing Page

A Landing Page is the entry point for your website where all the traffic is diverted from various marketing activities. “First Impression Is the Last Impression”, this phrase is very meaningful with respect to landing pages.

A good landing page helps to convert a simple click into a client. To create an effective landing page we need to implement the following key points.

  • Highlight your USP (unique selling points) in the first fold of the page
  • A simple and prominent Call To Action (web form or contact number) should be displayed
  • An accurate conversion tracking system should be placed
  • Use some good testimonials
  • Content of the page should be in sync with the campaign which has brought him here and should have relevant information

At Datagrid, we first analyse the need of the client, understand the expected outcome of the campaign and then create an appropriate landing page with end-to-end tracking

landing page 1
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